The Via Dolorosa: Station 12

Jesus dies on the Cross (Mark 15:37).

The Chapel of the Crucifixion is where Jesus died on the cross. Under the glass box is the rock that the cross was driven into. Also known as Golgotha.

What you will get in line for is the chance to kneel down and crawl into the little vestibule in the middle, where you can put your hand into the hole in the floor and feel the rock. Historically speaking there is good reason to believe that this was in fact the stone that the cross was placed into.

As discussed earlier, Hadrian built the temple to Venus on this spot and early Christians knew it was the spot where the crucifixion happened. When Constantine had the temple demolished, a tomb and quarry were found underneath it just as the Jerusalem Christians had said.

In between Station 11 and Station 12 is the Altar of the Lady of Sorrow. Some guides will say that this is Station 13, others will say it’s the Stone of Unction at the bottom of the stairs.

As you exit the area from Station 12 there is a different staircase to go down. When you get to the bottom, take a left and you’ll find Station 13.

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