The Via Dolorosa: Station 1

Jesus is condemned to death (Mark 15:6–20).

The courtyard inside the Omariya School is considered the traditional start of the Via Dolorosa, however, the Chapel of the Condemnation across the street is also within the perimeter which the Antonia Fortress and its courtyard are thought to have sat.

In my walking tour video, I go to the Chapel of the Condemnation second because I got the two Chapels confused when I was making the video.

Chapel of Condemnation | Vatican Relief | Chapel of Flagellation

The Vatican relief (disk with the Roman Numeral and sculpture) marks the entrance to this courtyard. Upon entering, turn left and you’ll find the Chapel of Condemnation.

Turn right and you’ll find the Chapel of Flagellation which remembers the beating of Jesus by the Roman soldiers. If it’s open when you are there, make sure to check it out as I feel it is much more appealing inside than the Chapel of Condemnation.

Exit the gate you entered the courtyard through, and turn right. You will now be heading in a westerly direction. About 20 yards from the gate to Station 1, on the right-hand side look up and you will find the disk for Station 2.

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